Apple A17 And Apple M3 Will Lead The 3nm Chip Industry

It appears that Apple has been successful in reserving all of the TSMC N3 production output. It will be enough to provide a solid advantage over rivals for its next iPhone and Mac. Note that it has become essential for firms to make significant investments in the manufacturing of the central chip of their electronic products. In order to guarantee improved performance and power efficiency.

Chip production at TSMC contributes to Apple’s dominance in the market with its Apple M chips on Mac and Apple A chips on smartphone processors. For the following generation, Apple would have fared quite well because the Californian company would receive 100% of the TSMC N3 manufacturing.

Apple will dominate the 3nm chip industry with the Apple A17 and Apple M3 processors
The brand-new mass manufacturing of 3 nm chips that TSMC unveiled on February 18 is 100% reserved for Apple, according to DigiTimes. TSMC’s 4nm production lines are shared by the current generation of processors. Including the Apple 16 Bionic, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, and Nvidia GeForce RTX 4000.

Does this imply that Qualcomm won’t be able to produce 3 nm processors for its next Snapdragon model? No. The foundry already has a less costly TSMC N3E process in the plans. Even in the unlikely case that Apple has reserved 100% of the TSMC N3 output. The latter would be more inclusive of Qualcomm and more brands.

In other words, Apple would have spent a lot of money in this situation. To buy a certain level of peace of mind. The company maintains a certain technical edge on PC and mobile, and most importantly, the capacity to meet demand. In fact, Apple acknowledged at the presentation of the most recent results that supply issues had prevented it from selling as many iPhone 14 series as it had hoped to.

Apple will be able to provide a chip that uses less power or achieves higher performance for the same architecture and frequency thanks to this time advantage over TSMC N3 technology. Enough to reclaim performance leadership at a time when Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 is doing really well.

Source :
Digitimes, Frandroid

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