The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, set to launch in just 3 weeks, may not appear vastly different from its predecessor, the Galaxy S22 Ultra. However, under the hood, the new flagship boasts significant upgrades, including the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor and a cutting-edge 200MP camera.
According to an industry insider, Ice Universe, the Galaxy S23 Ultra will also address the focusing issues that plagued the Galaxy S22 Ultra’s shooter upon its release.
The new model will feature the latest generation of sensors, ensuring that it doesn’t have to deal with similar issues. Reports also suggest that the camera’s image stabilization system has also received dramatic improvements.
Click here.:— Ice universe (@UniverseIce) January 12, 2023
In addition to camera improvements, the Galaxy S23 Ultra will also sport upgrades to its speakers, since the Galaxy S22 Ultra’s speaker was not known for its loudness.
However, Samsung has reportedly resolved this in the upcoming model, with special attention to bass performance. The new Ultra will also be equipped with a set of highly capable microphones.
As the Galaxy S23 series gears up for release, Samsung is giving discounts to customers who pre-order the device. Even though improvements to camera focus and speaker are unlikely to be the Galaxy S23 Ultra’s key selling factors, they will undoubtedly boost the user experience in the long run.